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KDH Welcomes Caputova's and Pellegrini's Efforts for Reconciliation

Milan Majerský (KDH). Foto: TASR - jar

At the same time, Majersky claimed that the movement has suspended all its major campaign events concerning the upcoming European Parliament elections.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - The opposition Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) has welcomed the joint effort made by President Zuzana Caputova and president-elect Peter Pellegrini towards reconciliation in society, adding that it will take part in the announced meeting of the heads of the parliamentary parties at the Presidential Palace.

"It's a very important and necessary gesture," said KDH head Milan Majersky in regards to Caputova's and Pellegrini's move, adding that KDH condemns any form of violence.

At the same time, Majersky claimed that the movement has suspended all its major campaign events concerning the upcoming European Parliament elections.