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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

SaS Suspends European Election Campaign

Branislav Gröhling (SaS). Foto: TASR - Jaroslav Novák

SaS reiterated its condemnation of the attack on Prime Minister Fico in the town of Handlova.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party has called for societal reconciliation in response to the attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico's life (Smer-SD), suspended its campaign for the European elections and accepted an invitation to the Presidential Palace, where leaders of all parliamentary parties are to meet at the invitation of President Zuzana Caputova and President-elect Peter Pellegrini, SaS chair Branislav Groehling announced at a press conference on Thursday.

"Polarisation is a dead end. Let's put a stop to it, and let's start anew with a clean slate. No one wants that kind of Slovakia. We don't want that kind of Slovakia, either. We don't want a Slovakia in which politicians or other people are shot just because they have a different opinion. Hate breeds nothing but more hate," said Groehling.

At the same time, SaS condemned statements by some coalition politicians. "Unacceptable personal attacks have begun, shouting in Parliament, blaming the opposition and the media, even threats of vengeance," added Groehling, who called such statements unacceptable.

SaS reiterated its condemnation of the attack on Prime Minister Fico in the town of Handlova. The shooting has also cast doubt over the competency of the Office for the Protection of Constitutional Officials and the Slovak Intelligence Service. "It's probably too early to seek answers, but these questions will certainly get raised, either by us or the public," said Groehling.